Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lonely Summer

Olivia announced to Rick and I the other day that she hates summer because it is so lonely for her. This breaks my heart. Her best friend who lives next door spends the whole summer in Iowa with her grandma which leaves her with no one to play with. Unfortunately for her I work night shift and she has to find things to do so I can get a little sleep when I get home in the morning. Lucky for me, she is a late sleeper. Finally when she can't stand it anymore, she comes in and says "MOM WAKE UP, I NEED SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH." A girl can only watch so much Disney Channel and Sponge Bob Square Pants as well as play her games on the computer. She is getting very creative at her craft table I must admit. She is learning to use her camera that she got for her birthday last year, she has good shots and some well lets just say they are blurry. She is trying though. Here are some of her masterpiece photos.


Susie said...

She's becoming quite the photographer at her age! She's a sweet little girl and I'm sure she'll be your little helper in the next couple of weeks!

Sherry said...

Wow she is better than me with the camera. And I am praying for you as you have surgery. I will pray that she finds a friend as well. Let me know if you need anything!

Stacey said...

That's really good Olivia! I'm sorry you're so bored. Maybe we can have you over for a play date one of these days. Hang in there :o)